KICK Roots is our youth club in St Ives for young people aged 11-14 years and it is our aim to provide a positive and safe place for the young people of St. Ives and the surrounding areas to access. KICK Roots is a weekly term time club that is a valuable resource for the support and health and well-being of our young people. Through the youth club our young people will be able to meet new people, socialise, play sports and games, play and listen to music and have the opportunity to learn new skills such as making music, photography, film making etc. We will be inviting people to come and speak to and run workshops with the young peopleabout the things that they are interested in, their issues and needs as well as inviting professionals to run sessions around health and wellbeing, positive relationships and online safety. We will be offering the young people a chance to work towards an Arts Award, which is a nationally recognised qualification, during the youth club sessions, motivating them to achieve and be rewarded and recognised for their achievements.
KICK Roots is every Tuesday during term time, 5-7pm, at The Broad Leas Centre, Broad Leas, St Ives, PE27 5QB. If you would like to attend please ensure that the membership and consent form, linked below, has been completed by your parents/carers.

Is an open access KICK programme designed for young people to get fit, meet new friends and have fun in a safe environment.
All groups are minimal contact fitness workouts, done on pads with a partner and based on traditional kick and Thai boxing.
Kick boxing has proved to be a great tool for personal development, teaching dedication, hard work and respect while helping to control aggression.
We currently run a kick boxing group in St Ives that runs during school term times only.
St Ives Broad leas Centre, Broad Leas PE27 5QB 5.30 till 7.00pm Tuesday nights
All groups are open to 12-19 year olds and admission is FREE.
Please contact us for more information.
Or visit our downloads section for a permission form that must be completed (if you are under 18 parental consent is required)
We operate a kick sports programme in some local schools. This enables young people who may not be included in main stream sports clubs or organisations, to enjoy a variety of sports and activities in a safe and fun environment, without the traditional pressure that can be found in many sports groups.
The groups use the medium of sport to promote respect, tolerance, communication, team work and peer support, while offering young people an opportunity to liaise with qualified youth workers on any subject they wish.
Is an activity based personal development programme that supports learning outside of the classroom environment.
The format is presented in a series of workshops covering a wide variety of subjects. These range from dealing with stress, anger and emotions, communication, teamwork and respect, to promoting positive aspirations.
The learning is then backed up with a visit to an outdoor centre where the young people take part in a range of exciting activities such as climbing and kayaking. These challenges push them both physically and mentally and help to reinforce the learning from the workshops.
All participants achieve an accredited ASDAN award
Feedback from the young people involved is very positive. The programme has enabled them to make significant changes in their lives and attitudes.